
Yes, if you are in a salon suite, you must have an establishment license. If you move suites within a building, you must submit a Suite Change Application and notify the Arizona Barbering & Cosmetology Board within 10 business days. 

See the salon suite requirements to make sure you have everything you need. 

If you are changing suites within the same building, you need to fill out a suite change application. If you are moving to a different physical address, you must apply for a new salon license. 

Suite Change Application

No. All services are done through the website. We do not offer in-person services. 

No. According to A.R.S. §32-506, it exempts persons who provide threading services. 


Threading definition (A.R.S. § 32-501(19)): "Threading" means a service that results in the removal of hair from its follicle from around the eyebrows and from other parts of the face with the use of a single strand of cotton thread and an over-the-counter astringent, if the service does not use chemicals of any kind, wax or any implements, instruments or tools to remove hair.


No. Pursuant to A.A.C. R4-10-112(M), the Board prohibits the use of products containing hazardous substances banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) such as MMA (Methyl Methacrylate Monomer) and methylene chloride from being used in a salon or school.


No. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-506 (10), persons who provide a service that results in tension on hair strands or roots by twisting, wrapping, weaving, extending, locking or braiding, if the service does not include the application of dyes, reactive chemicals or other preparations to alter the color of the hair or to straighten, curl or alter the structure of the hair, do not require a cosmetologist license. 

Yes, a licensee may perform cosmetology, aesthetics, nail technology and barbering on a customer in a location that is not a licensed salon in certain circumstances:

  • A licensee may perform barbering, aesthetics, cosmetology, hairstyling and nail technology on a customer in a location that is not a licensed establishment when the licensee is requested by a customer to go to a place other than the establishment and the licensee is sent to the customer from a licensed establishment. In this situation, both the establishment and the licensee are responsible for compliance with all Board statutes and rules. See A.R.S. §32-574(A)(5).
  • A licensee may perform barbering, aesthetics, cosmetology, hairstyling and nail technology on a customer-WITHOUT THE ESTABLISHMENT'S REQUEST-in a health care facility, hospital, residential care institution, nursing home or residence of a person requiring home care because of an illness, infirmity or disability. In this situation, the licensee is responsible for compliance with all Board statutes and rules. See A.R.S. §32-574(A)(5)

To print your duplicate, you will log in as if you are renewing your license. 

Cosmetologists/Hairstylists/Nail Techs:

  1. Sign in to the Portal.
  2. On the right side of the dashboard, you will see your license(s) and the ability to print the duplicate for whichever you want to print. It will then send you a printable version of your license to your email.



  1. Sign in to the portal. 
  2. Select 'Print Duplicate License' in the left navigation bar.

If your name has changed due to marriage, divorce, citizenship or other, you will need to update your license. 

  • Log in to the portal.
    • If you haven't created an account, you must do so by selecting 'Sign up Now.'
  • Select 'Name Change' in the left navigation bar.
    • Select 'New Application' and 'Name Change Application.'
    • Select 'Continue.'
    • Enter the updated name and click 'Save'
    • Upload the legal document showing the name change under 'Proof of Name Change.'
  • Staff will need to review the change and documents. 

If you have been in 'expired' status for five years or less, you can make your license current by paying the renewal and late fees for those years in the portal.

If your license has been expired for more than five years, it will show 'Suspended.' In this case, you must fill out the reactivation form, pay the renewal and late fees, retake the exams, and reapply.  

Please fill out the License Reactivation form for a Licensing Specialist to reach out to you via email with the cost and steps of reactivating your license. It can take up to two weeks to be contacted. 

If you closed your establishment, you must notify the Arizona Barbering & Cosmetology Board within 10 days of closing. Please fill out the Establishment Closure Form and send it to [email protected]


Yes. However, the employer must be registered through the Arizona Department of Economic Security's Apprenticeship Program. Additionally, the student must be registered through the DES Apprenticeship Program, as well. 


For more information, visit the DES website:

DES Apprenticeship Program Email: [email protected]

In January 2023, Congress added a new provision to the SCRA that allows servicemembers and their spouses to use their professional licenses and certificates when they
relocate due to military orders, in certain circumstances.

To qualify for professional license portability under the SCRA, you must:

  1. Have moved to a location outside the jurisdiction of the licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate because of orders for military service.
  2. Provide a copy of the military orders to the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction.
  3. Have actively used the license or certificate during the two years immediately preceding the move.
  4. Remain in good standing with:
    1. the licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate; and
    2. every other licensing authority that issued a license or certificate valid for a similar scope of practice and in the discipline applied for in the new jurisdiction.
  5. Submit to the authority of the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements.


Apply for Military Reciprocity

If the establishment has a change of ownership, you must submit a new establishment application according to Arizona Administrative Code R4-10-401(B)(3).

The previous owner must notify the Board by submitting an establishment closure form before you can apply for a new establishment license. 

Establishment application:

Aesthetics 600 hours
Barbering 1,200 hours
Cosmetology 1,500 hours
Hairstyling 1,000 hours
Nail Technology 600 hours


The Board approved a substantive policy statement to provide guidance on the scope of practice for licensees. 

Scope of Practice Document