Arizona Administrative Code Updates

The Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) is where the official rules of the State of Arizona are published. Rules support state statute (law). State statute overrules rules.

The AAC is drafted by the Board, posted for public comment for 30 days, reviewed, and approved by the Governor's Regulatory Review Council and the Arizona Secretary of State's Office. The rules go into effect 60 days after the approval. 

The Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board started the process of updating the Arizona Administrative Code in the spring of 2023 and started the review process in October 2023. The rules were approved on March 5, 2024, and went into effect on May 4, 2024.

The below information is the rules the board believes the general public should know. To review the rules in its entirety, please visit the Statutes and Rules page

Definition changes A.A.C. R4-10-101:

  • Days - means business days
  • Direct supervision - a licensee is physically present and observing the work of a supervisee
  • Discipline - the fields of study or service regulated by the Board including cosmetology, hairstyling, aesthetics, nail technology, eyelash technology, and barbering
  • Disinfect - the use of chemicals to kill most microbial life that can lead to infection in humans
  • Mentor - an aesthetician, barber, cosmetologist, hair stylist, or nail technician who is approved by the Board to train an individual in an apprenticeship program that is approved by the Department of Economic Security and occurs at a licensed establishment
  • Practice - engaging in one of the disciplines regulated by the Board or engaging as an instructor of one of the disciplines in accordance with the license or registration issued by the Board and Title 32, Chapters 3 and 5, as applicable, and this Chapter
  • Owner means a person that has a controlling interest in an establishment or school or the owner’s designee
  • Student instructor - an individual who is licensed by the Board in a discipline and training to be an instructor in that discipline
  • Transfer hours- hours of study a student completed at one school that a school licensee accepts to meet the requirements at a second school.
  • Workstation - a specific location within an establishment, mobile unit, offsite training facility, or school where services are performed not including hair-cleaning activity

Fees and Charges A.A.C. R4-10-102

  •  Added fees around Eyelash Technicians
    • Registration - $45
    • Renewal - $45
    • Delinquent Renewal - additional $30
    • Board Approved Training - $250

Payment of Fees A.A.C. R4-10-103

  • No longer accepting personal checks.

Timeframes A.A.C. R4-10-106

  • Any application that remains incomplete will automatically be changed to “withdrawn” status after 90 days (previously 180 days)
  • Changed postmark date to when an application has been submitted.

Display of Licenses, Registrations and Signs A.A.C. R4-10-111

  • Personal Licenses
    • Displayed at the person’s workstation (change for barbers)

Infection Control & Safety Standards A.A.C. R4-10-112

  • Added Eyelash Technicians A.A.C. R4-10-112(R)
  • Lash use and storage.
    • Have at the lashing workstation a covered, wet disinfectant container large enough to submerge tools completely;
    • Clean hands between clients;
    • Perform all lash services using clean or clean-gloved hands;
    • Store lashes in the original tray or jar in a covered container that is free from debris or contaminants;
    • Dispense lashes from the original tray or jar using only a disinfected tool;
    • Not return a lash to the original tray or jar after the lash is dispensed from the original tray or jar;
    • Spray and wipe the lash workstation with an EPA-registered disinfectant after each client;
    • Disinfect all cutting implements after use and store the disinfected cutting implements in a covered container that is free from debris or contaminants;
    • Keep tape dispensers inside a labeled, clean, closed drawer; and
    • Disinfect lash tweezers, adhesive stones, lash tiles, lash pallets, lash cases, and other items between clients.

Establishment & School Management A.A.C. R4-10-113

  • If the establishment or school closes, the licensee or authorized representative notifies the Board within 10 days by completing a form that is available on the Board’s website.

Reactivation of Personal License A.A.C. R4-10-204

  • Licenses that are not renewed are “Inactive.”  If a license has not been renewed for 5 years it is “Suspended.”
  • Inactive for over 5 years
    • Pays all delinquent fees
    • Must retake their exams and submit a new application

General Aesthetics, Barber, Cosmetology, Hairstyling or Nail Technology School Requirements A.A.C. R4-10-306

  • A sink area for every 50 students in attendance for preparing, mixing, and dispensing supplies and chemicals, and for disinfecting small tools or instruments;
  • The school licensee may allow a student to satisfy theory curriculum requirements by participating in virtual learning.
  • Under A.R.S. § 32-557(C), an employee who is enrolled in a school for the purpose of becoming an instructor may be paid for work done as an employee.
  • A school licensee shall ensure each student is evaluated for progress and suggestions are provided to the student for remediating deficiencies.
  • A student does not attend school more than 56 hours in any one week;
  • The school licensee shall ensure a nonreturnable student training kit, containing at least the following, is provided to each enrolled student:
    • One disinfected, covered container to store disinfected tools and instruments as specified under R4-10-112; and
    • One container for contaminated tools and instruments as specified under R4-10-112.

Barbering School Operations A.A.C. R4-10A301

  • We no longer require the schools to send copies of written applications or student photos to the Board, or proof that the student is 16 with 2 years of high school, or legal residence in the U.S, or issue a student license to be posted at a student workstation

Establishment Requirements and Minimum Equipment A.A.C. R4-10-403

  • If licensees using space in the establishment are performing barbering, cosmetology, or hairstyling services, at least one shampoo bowl and one hair dryer, which may be a blow dryer